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I Like Cornbread and Collard Greens Bitch

And apparently, so does Neiman Marcus. The luxury retailer has taken their holiday food services to a whole new level with their collard green selection. The internet had a field day mocking the retailer for serving what was once called poor folk food. The kicker about the whole thing was that they were selling an 8-10 oz serving for $66 plus a $15.50 shipping charge. I'm not sure how much the collard greens cost in your area but the last time I saw them in the grocery store they were around $2 a bunch. Fact is that Neiman Marcus caters to the top 2% income bracket is their target market. So I get the price when it comes to their demographics. And while everyone was gabbing and making fun of them collard greens, Neiman Marcus has sold out of them. So rich people love them some greens too. But hey don't be discouraged. If you, too, are in this income bracket or you feel like you have the money and don't want to cook for the holidays, they also offer a full Holiday Turkey meal for a small fee of $495 with a $32 shipping fee. It's called supply and demand. The have and the have nots. I am not in that number to know what a $81.50 bowl of greens taste like but I'm damn curious.

Photo Credit Courtesy of Neiman Marcus


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