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Dear Foxx

Dear Foxx

I'm a newly single, 45 year old woman. My friends suggested I try meeting a guy on Tinder. So, I tried it and met a very attractive 40 year old man. We have been talking for about a week. He's not only attractive but he's ambitious and a very sweet guy. We have been talking for hours at a time but all of a sudden it has slowed down tremendously. He claims that I have all the qualities that he looks for in a woman and that he's attracted to me but now all I get is a random text message every now and then. Do you think I should just give him space or ask him what's wrong? I just find it strange that it went from hot to cool that quickly?

Signed Lost in Translation

Dear Lost in Translation

In my own personal dating experience this happens alot, especially with online dating. You see the thing is this, he may indeed feel a total connection to you but he's keeping his options open in hopes that he could possibly meet someone with one more power bar than you have. Guys will do that often. It's the whole grass is greener method. If I were you I would just merely ask if everything's ok. If you get a blaze' answer but the actions continue to be distant then maybe it's time for you to also keep your options open. It seems to me that you really like this guy because you didn't mention any other guy that you're dating. But don't be anyone's option honey. Online dating is easy, especially if your a busy person, but I always say this "the way they meet you, is the way they will cheat on you". And, even though the 2 of you aren't committed you should keep that in the back of your mind. Then again for all I know he may just be busy. A close mouth ain't ever got fed. You need to start asking questions.

If you have any Dear Foxx questions feel free to email me at foxxmouton@gmail.Com and all questions are responded to with anonymity. If you have any Dear Foxx questions feel free to email me at foxxmouton@gmail.Com and all questions are responded to with anonymity. If you have any Dear Foxx questions feel free to email me at foxxmouton@gmail.Com and all questions are responded to with anonymity.


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