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Mad as Hell

Baby, when I tell you that the network that airs Arthur are very disappointed over the memes that are showing up all over social media. The show originally aired in 1996 and is currently being aired on PBS. In the beginning the execs were appreciative of the memes because "quiet as it's kept", that was free publicity. It was a good way of allowing those who grew up on the program to introduce it to their children. But, in true social media fashion, the memes started exhibiting themes with sex, drugs, and racial situations. The internet will take the innocence and sincerity out of everything. If I look at the situation with a business eye, I can see where they don't want the brand tarnished with a bunch of foolery. But on the other hand, there should not be any children under the age of 10 with social media accounts anyways. Kids need to be kids nowadays. But despite that, I feel that the ratings have increased because of the whole thing. I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't those same execs who put it out there to begin with. I just find it odd that on the 20th year of it being in production, there would be this big media explosion of Arthur memes. Have several seats on that one. It sounds like a big ploy to bring attention back to a cartoon that I didn't even know still existed.


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